Ref | Location | Annual Gross $ | Status | Private sale/Name of broker |
2014 | Lovington | $2,300,000 | New | Frye Practice Sales |
Great cash flow. This opportunity is one that the seller needs to transact faster than usual due to health issues. So this provides an opportunity to get an extremely strong cash flowing practice for a fraction of the fair market value. ? This practice if taken to market in a traditional manner would command $2,000,000-$2,250,000 as the cashflow is extremely high and consistent. Also as the only game in town the concern for patient attrition is not a factor. ? Trailing Twelve Months Profit & Loss has gross income @$2.6M with net income to owner of @$1.3M, so EBITDA is 800k/yr+ after Doc Comp. The practice is on track to do $2.6M this year, and overhead is extremely low @36%. 1 doc, 1 RDH, 3.5 DA and 3 Front Office staff. The team is all expected to stay on post transition as well. ? This is the only non-corporate, non-medicaid practice in the county. ? Seller is willing to do a quick transaction for $1.15M and is motivated to make a good transition happen. He could stay on for a few months as needed as well. Based on the cashflow this practice could be paid off in less than 4 years while still providing the owner take-home cash greater than $500k per year. This is a great financial opportunity.